Author: hw

  • Thriving on Chaos in Drupal

    Thriving on Chaos in Drupal

    Today, I want to share my thoughts from a book passage related to Drupal. The book, Everyday Chaos by David Weinberger, is largely about how chaos is the new reality in today’s machine-learning-driven world. In this book, Drupal is discussed in the chapter on strategy and possibility where it is contrasted with more traditional methods…

  • Drupal Podcasts (and some PHP ones)

    Drupal Podcasts (and some PHP ones)

    Today’s DrupalFest post is on the lighter side. I am just going to talk about some of the podcasts I listen to related to Drupal, PHP, and software development in general. I’ll try to cover all the Drupal podcasts I know about. Let me know in the comments if I have missed something. As for…

  • Why you shouldn’t decouple Drupal and why you should

    Why you shouldn’t decouple Drupal and why you should

    Today’s post is going to be a quick one; not because it is an easy topic but because a lot has been said about it already. Today, I want to share my thoughts on decoupling Drupal; thoughts that are mainly a mix of borrowed thoughts from several places. I will try to link where I…

  • The magic of Drupal events

    The magic of Drupal events

    I missed joining the DrupalNYC meetup today. Well, I almost missed it but I was able to catch the last 10 minutes or so. That got me thinking about events and that’s the topic for today–Drupal events and their impact on my life. I travelled extensively for 4-5 years before the pandemic restrictions were put…

  • Accessing API

    Accessing API

    I am going to keep today’s DrupalFest post simple and talk about the API to access content on The API is a public API that allows you to access content such as projects (modules, themes, etc), issues, pages, and more. The API returns data as a simple JSON structure and has only limited…

  • My advice to my younger self (and to new Drupal developers)

    My advice to my younger self (and to new Drupal developers)

    I recently opened up a spreadsheet where people can put in their ideas of what I can write about in this DrupalFest series. Someone put in a topic of what advice I would give my younger self. This idea intrigued me and I thought I will make an attempt at writing down advice to new…

  • Code Quality check tools for Drupal

    Code Quality check tools for Drupal

    This is the fourth post in my DrupalFest series and I am excited to keep it going. I want to write about different tools I am aware of for running quality checks on Drupal code. This will be somewhat similar to my last post where I presented various options but focused on the method I…

  • Speed up Drupal websites by using PHP’s preloader

    Speed up Drupal websites by using PHP’s preloader

    PHP 7.4 introduced the concept of preloading classes (files) on server start-up into the PHP opcache. This gives us performance benefits for sites that tend to load a lot of files with every request; something that Drupal is known to do. A properly configured web server would have opcache (opcode cache) enabled anyway, but preloading…

  • Quick setup of a Drupal site

    Quick setup of a Drupal site

    This post will cover quickly setting up a Drupal website for testing, experimentation, or evaluating features on your local system. While I cover a different set of options briefly, I will mainly talk about a tool we have built to let us quickly scaffold Drupal sites with best practices built in. This post is a…

  • My (updated) Drupal Story

    My (updated) Drupal Story

    I thought for a while about what should be the first post in this series. Drupal is many things. It is a complex system used in a variety of ways ranging from small sites with few pages to rich information portals to even applications (yes, really). Then I thought of a recent tweet by webchick…