Vagrant 2.0 and DrupalVM
Vagrant 2.0 has just been released. Being who I am, I jumped at trying this out and testing if it worked well with my vagrant setup. I have entirely moved to DrupalVM since some time and wanted to see if it worked properly.
Setting up a Drupal Development Machine on Windows with Ubuntu Server in Virtual Machine
The overall process to install the server on virtual machine and configure it for Drupal development is still valid and you only need to change the OS version from Ubuntu Server 14.04 to the latest one now (Ubuntu Server 14.10 at this time). Also, I have moved on to using vagrant for my setups and…
Install Ubuntu Server 14.04+ on VirtualBox
This guide will explain how to install Ubuntu Server 14.04 on a VirtualBox virtual machine in a detailed step-by-step manner, with screenshots.